Breaking the siege of kvatch too hard
Breaking the siege of kvatch too hard

breaking the siege of kvatch too hard breaking the siege of kvatch too hard

It's like the devs who make this content do not have the skill to program in actual difficulty, so they handicap the player and exploit the existing erratic behavior instead. I don't know if I was spoiled by Odyssey's infinitely generating mercenary system, but this Mastery Challenge is like a slap in the face. Put some hard enemy in front of me and let me do whatever i want to survive and beat him. They rationalized it somehow? It was somehow obscure and vapid and lengthy all at the same time.

breaking the siege of kvatch too hard

Have you played it, or just watched the trailer? There was something about a meteor and some version of a magic Meteor-Valka. There are rules made by whom? A developer god, i guess. That said If you're going to use 100 charmelion or 100 reflect damage then its your own fault if you think the game is easy. Once I figured out what I was doing it became much easier but I still wouldn't say too easy. Its more like, figure-out-how-to-cheese-the-game mode. GoatLiver wrote:Not the first time I played it, then it was hard. There is no consistency with what happens and skill or ingenuity is not rewarded. It was challenging for all the wrong reasons. I had an easy time of it yesterday, but today was just frustrating.

Breaking the siege of kvatch too hard